Readers of this site will know I have been working with Adobe Flash a lot recently. I was browsing the old Belle and Sebastian website on and found some Flash games, others I found were added on belles' singles and EPs. This gave me the idea to package them into UCSOS as playable games for a new Games program.
Purely in the interest of archiving these 3 Belle and Sebastian Flash games, I have decided to chop off the Games app from UCSOS and tie it into its own Flash launcher specifically for Belle and Sebastian Flash software.
Download it here:
If you use Macintosh please contact me and I'll make a Macintosh version.
- Flash Works Telegram Channel
Symbian and Flash Telegram channel for discussing my Symbian Flash Stuff. - New YouTube Channel
After being reinstated once, it was very sadly permanently banned.
Wise Words
An idiot admires complexity, a genius admires simplicity. An idiot, anything the more complicated something he is the more he will admire it. If you make something so complicated, an idiot will think you are a god because you made something so complicated nobody can understand it.
Terry Davis