Welcome to I'm Interested In Apathy.



Welcome to my homepage, this is my site that serves as a home for most of the things I create and wish to publish online, from music, videos and software. Feel free to browse around. 

P.S: If you're looking and wondering why this website 'looks so old', I'm a big fan of previous decade skeuomorphic/aero design. And if you like old websites, you can visit the previous I'm Interested In Apathy website which looks a lot older. It was made in 2019, and you can visit it here.               

Latest YouTube video uploaded:


Unlisted Videos:

There are 3 playlists on my YouTube channel which contain some unlisted videos. You can view them here.


New Flash software in 2024! See bellesgames

Page 1 of 1                                                              These buttons don't do anything as of now.   32 1

Image Gallery

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I'm Interested In Apathy

Thank you for visiting my online emporium of old web design and all sorts of other multimedia endeavours.



Send me an email @ webmaster@iminterestedinapathy.arktech.host